MY germination experiment has to be set up 5 times at different temperatures. I have only managed to set up one as I only have one temperature cabinet. Fortunately I managed to have access to two other temperature control rooms for 10 days. This means I can set up two other temperatures at 20 degrees and 25 degrees. But this means I need to count out 252 samples of 50 seeds each (and measure each sample), prepare 32kg of sifted soil, and label 252 pots. This is all before I can plant the seeds.
Fortunately, by Friday I was ready to plant. Lucky for me I had a couple of helpers (by myself it would take at least 4 days).
It still took three of us 2 days, as we used Monday as well.
So now I wait for 18,900 seeds to germinate and their plants to start emerging. As they do, I count them and record on which day they emerged. Which temperature do you think the seeds will germinate the quickest in? 15 degrees, 20 degrees or 25 degrees?